Hazel Saville – Director and Therapist
The basis of Hazel’s current approach is in helping clients to release limiting beliefs and unhelpful patterns that keep them stuck. She majors in helping people to move on into empowered living, to thrive in every area of life; physical, emotional and spiritual.
Hazel was born & raised in Swansea. She started her career at the age of 22 as a social worker in an inner London borough. 2 years later she moved to West Glamorgan and continued her work as a social worker in a busy child and family team.
In this work, she saw that social work clients were offered temporary solutions, that were unable to address unhelpful and often self-destructive patterns of behaviour.
In the 1990s and early 2000’s Hazel trained with a prodigious, highly respected school of hypnotherapy in London. She graduated with an Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma. She also became a Master Practitioner in both NLP and Timeline Therapy. In the early 2000’s she trained in Theta Healing with its founder Vianna Stibal, becoming a Master Practitioner. She also trained over several years in shamanic healing and a wide range of other healing modalities.
As she worked with clients new methods of using old tools evolved. She called the brief therapeutic approach that she developed ‘Life Change Therapy’.
Hazel’s Major Qualifications
Hazel qualified with The National School of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy (NSHAP) in 1999 as a Practitioner in Therapeutic Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. She was awarded the NSHAP Advanced Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma in 2003 after undergoing further training, an extended period of clinical supervision and demonstrating evidence of competence at that advanced practitioner level.
List of Other Qualifications
Master Practitioner NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) 2002.
NLP Coach 2002.
Master Practitioner Time Line Therapy 2002.
2006 Senior Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice General Hypnotherapy Register.
2006-8 Theta Healing Master Practitioner & Master Trainer.
BA (Hons).
Diploma in Social Work.
Certificate in Counselling.
Certificate in Intervention Skills In Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Principles and Practice (following a two-day workshop).
Reconnective Healing Level I and II.
Certificate in Provocative Therapy (following four-day seminar).
Certificate in Hypnoesitherapy.
Certificate in Awakening Dynamics Quantum Master Healer.
Certificate in Quantum Field Mastery.
Hazel has also held for many years the Senior Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice and is a Senior Member of the General Hypnotherapy Register (www.general-hypnotherapy-register.com).
Contact Hazel For a confidential discussion of your needs and how she can help 07456684584 lifechangetherapyuk@gmail.com |
Director and Therapist – Peter Saville
Stop Press: Peter has now become the first person in West Wales to be certified as an approved practitioner for the Hypnotension™ program for people suffering from hypertension (high blood pressure).
He loves seeing clients successfully make the changes they want in their lives.
Peter took an introductory course in Neuro Linguistic Programming in Bristol in 2005 where Hazel was an assistant instructor. He was really impressed with the way it could make rapid changes in the way people felt and behave, with noticeable changes in body language.
This was followed by an advanced course in Pain Management (Hypnoesitherapy) in 2006. He later left the IT world (in 2010) to complete intensive training at Surrey Institute for Clinical Hypnotherapy (an accredited NCH training school) for their Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma (HPD) in Clinical Hypnosis. This also included their Clinical NLP Practitioner Certificate. The whole emphasis of this training school is on ‘evidence-based’ hypnotherapy.
Peter subsequently became the first therapist in South West Wales to qualify for ‘Hypnotension’ – a specialism aimed at helping people with high blood pressure (hypertension).
Peter was born in London in 1949. He qualified as a Science Teacher from London University and taught in comprehensives in London and Swansea for 2 years, had a short spell in electrical engineering, and then joined the Civil Service as a junior executive. After 6 years in planning and staff management roles, he moved into IT Specialism.
Soon privatised, Peter worked for many years in various senior IT roles. His assignments have taken him to various cities in the UK and abroad to N. and S. America, working for various Government departments, and blue chip companies, on large-scale computer services bids and on global sales definition work. Exciting as all this was at times, he now rates his job satisfaction much higher in seeing clients get better quickly in the ways they want to.
Contact Peter For a confidential discussion of your needs and how he can help 07733582087 goldenhillcentre@gmail.com |